Steel Exclusively with Saint LaurentTraffic white RAL 9016 Exclusively with Saint LaurentBrassCopperClear anodized aluminumDaffodil yellow RAL 1007Traffic yellow RAL 1023Vermilion RAL 2002Traffic orange RAL 2009Black red RAL 3007Traffic red RAL 3020Raspberry red RAL 3027Ultramarine blue RAL 5002Black blue RAL 5004Traffic blue RAL 5017Turquoise blue RAL 5018Water blue RAL 5021Fir green RAL 6009Traffic green RAL 6024Mint green RAL 6029Traffic grey A RAL 7042Traffic grey B RAL 7043Ochre brown RAL 8001Red brown RAL 8012Grey brown RAL 8019Traffic black RAL 9017
ChairsBack Slant Chair 84-7Center Divider Chair 84-3Front Recessed Chair 84-2Front Shelf Chair 84-6Front Slant Chair 84-8Half Divided Chair 84-1Low Shelf Chair 84-5Open Side Chair 84-9Side Recessed Chair 84-4Side Shelf Chair 84-10
TablesFourth Floor Low Table 18Fourth Floor Serving Cart 62Fourth Floor Serving Table 64Fourth Floor Table 19
Benches & DaybedsBench 31Double Back Bench 20Double Daybed 28La Mansana Bench 22La Mansana Bench 39Las Casas Bench 83Perez Bench 26Pool Bench 24Single Daybed 32Studio Bench 11Winter Garden Bench 16
ChairsLibrary Chair 42Narrow Frame Chair 72Narrow Frame Chair with Shelf 72Narrow Frame Corner Chair 72Wide Frame Armchair 69Wide Frame Chair 67Wide Frame Chair with Shelf 67Wide Frame Corner Chair 69
TablesRectangle Frame Table 70Rectangle Frame Table with Shelf 70Square Frame Table 68Square Frame Table with Shelf 68
ChairsBack Slant Plywood Chair 84-17Center Divider Plywood Chair 84-13Front Recessed Plywood Chair 84-12Front Shelf Plywood Chair 84-16Front Slant Plywood Chair 84-18Half Divided Plywood Chair 84-11Low Shelf Plywood Chair 84-15Open Side Plywood Chair 84-19Side Recessed Plywood Chair 84-14Side Shelf Plywood Chair 84-20
DesksSlip Together Plywood Architecture Desk 74Slip Together Plywood Desk 75Slip Together Plywood Standing Writing Desk 78
StoolsCenter Divider Plywood Stool 95-2Front Recessed Plywood Stool 95-1Shelf Plywood Stool 95-3Slant Plywood Stool 95-5
TablesArchitecture Studio Table 89Cobb House Table 90Galvanized Frame Table 98Las Casas Table 93Steel Frame Table 92Steel Frame Table 122
Two-by-TwelvesBench 31Double Back Bench 20Double Daybed 28La Mansana Bench 22La Mansana Bench 39Las Casas Bench 83Perez Bench 26Pool Bench 24Single Daybed 32Studio Bench 11Winter Garden Bench 16
One-by-TwelvesBack Slant Chair 84-7Center Divider Chair 84-3Front Recessed Chair 84-2Front Shelf Chair 84-6Front Slant Chair 84-8Half Divided Chair 84-1Low Shelf Chair 84-5Open Side Chair 84-9Side Recessed Chair 84-4Side Shelf Chair 84-10
Wood FrameLibrary Chair 42Narrow Frame Chair 72Narrow Frame Chair with Shelf 72Narrow Frame Corner Chair 72Wide Frame Armchair 69Wide Frame Chair 67Wide Frame Chair with Shelf 67Wide Frame Corner Chair 69
PlywoodBack Slant Plywood Chair 84-17Center Divider Plywood Chair 84-13Front Recessed Plywood Chair 84-12Front Shelf Plywood Chair 84-16Front Slant Plywood Chair 84-18Half Divided Plywood Chair 84-11Low Shelf Plywood Chair 84-15Open Side Plywood Chair 84-19Side Recessed Plywood Chair 84-14Side Shelf Plywood Chair 84-20
PlywoodSlip Together Plywood Architecture Desk 74Slip Together Plywood Desk 75Slip Together Plywood Standing Writing Desk 78
PlywoodCenter Divider Plywood Stool 95-2Front Recessed Plywood Stool 95-1Shelf Plywood Stool 95-3Slant Plywood Stool 95-5
One-by-TwelvesFourth Floor Low Table 18Fourth Floor Serving Cart 62Fourth Floor Serving Table 64Fourth Floor Table 19
Two-by-TwelvesLa Mansana Table 22Library Table 14Pergola Table 23Slotted Library Table 65Studio Table 13
Wood FrameRectangle Frame Table 70Rectangle Frame Table with Shelf 70Square Frame Table 68Square Frame Table with Shelf 68
Steel FrameArchitecture Studio Table 89Cobb House Table 90Galvanized Frame Table 98Las Casas Table 93Steel Frame Table 92Steel Frame Table 122